
About Picolo

Editorial team

We are dedicated storytellers with extensive experience from large and well-respected media houses. Picolo brings you exciting stories on destinations all over the world. Feel free to contact us if you have a story you would like to share from anywhere on the planet.

Contact us


General Manager

Jan Ove Årsæther

Jan Ove is a journalist with extensive experience as a reporter, editor-in-chief, and vice president from Nordic media houses.


Content director

Knut Olav Aarsnes

Knut Olav grew up in the Norwegian fjords and has extensive experience as a journalist, duty editor, and producer in the media industry.



Adrian Møller Haugan

Adrian loves new experiences and travels as often and for as long as he can. With a background from major Norwegian newsrooms, he knows exactly which stories you like to read.



Guro Holmene

Guro loves the planning and waiting before a trip as much as the trip itself. The best travel experiences are of course the ones being impulsive. Like to travel solo, with children or my husband. Experienced journalist from several Norwegian media houses.



Katie Lee Barstad

Katie was born and raised in the United States, but moved to Norway years ago. She has experience from American TV stations and Norwegian media companies. Travel journalism is very close to her heart.



Gita Simonsen

Gita is curious about new people and experiences. Originally from Oslo, Norway, she is a journalist who has travelled extensively. Here, she shares her best experiences from around the world.


Head of language services

Bård Egil Eide

Bård is mainly based in Bergen, but has been know to sneak off to places like Tbilisi or Porto from time to time. He has extensive experience from both audiovisual and general translation.



Paul Drægebø

Paul is an experienced writer, editor, interpreter, and translator. He enjoys travelling the world and sampling the finer things in life.



Monica Smedhaug

Monica is an experienced translator, audiovisual translator and proofreader with a background from news and television.

About Picolo


Picolo has developed a digital platform for storytelling, content marketing, and performance marketing. Our platform is not only a home for inspiring journeys, but also for the effective sale of your products.

Contact us



Kjetil Røed

Kjetil Røed has extensive experience from Innovation Norway and Telenor, and has technical responsibility for Picolo.



Toni Delgado

Toni is an experienced designer and marketer, with a background from a number of Nordic software and marketing companies.